Spiritual Emergency and
Spiritual Emergence Guidance
If you have suffered from a spiritual emergency — a breakdown of your familiar self or ego that results in either psychotic episodes or a spiritual awakening — I can help you discern what has happened to you and how to digest your experience and re-integrate into your daily life.
If you have used psychedelic plant medicines and consequently found yourself experiencing unusual symptoms such as severe anxiety, panic attacks or mood swings, you may be experiencing a "spiritual emergency."
I also provide support, healing, and integration assistance for those who have had a "spiritual emergence" experience. A spiritual emergence is a traumatic or disorienting spiritual experience where you may feel you have had a glimpse of, or an awakening into, your true nature. The ego often reacts with tremendous fear as it senses/feels its dissolution and fears its death.
As well, shamanic journeying, psychic openings, and what is referred to as "kundalini awakenings" are "spiritual emergence" experiences that can morph into a "spiritual emergency" experience, or it can happen the other way around. These experiences can prompt an overwhelming feeling of bodily fear, fear that ressembles psychosis or severe anxiety symptoms. Fear and anxiety that you are unable to manage, can cause you to head to a doctor or therapist's office.
I am trained and experienced in assisting people with discerning if what they are suddenly experiencing is, in fact, a "psychotic break" or a "spiritual emergence".
Whether or not you are currently or have experienced a spiritual emergency or a spiritual emergence, I can guide you towards the integration of your experience and help you release the anxiety and panicky symptoms you are feeling. I have offered assistance to many people who have had their own awakening experiences and are in uncharted waters about how to integrate and incorporate these awakenings into their daily lives.